Author: admin

  • 366

    366 days. We have witnessed them get up and stagger and then walk. We have all felt some portion of their unbelievable pain. Although not all, that is unfathomable. The idea of courage means so many different things to different people. For us, today, we are thinking of Ethan. Ethan Miles was extraordinary in the…

  • Happy Birthday Ethan

    He entered this world 21 years ago tomorrow. He made my brother a father. He was soon joined 18 months later by his sister. The two of them together were a perfect tandem. Each possessing an indelible spirit and shine that would light my brothers face up when he spoke of them. To watch the…

  • The In Between

    The happiest moments in life come in so many different forms. Your child is born. Your partner says “I do”. A promotion in your career. The lower points have the same level of scattered diversity. The loss of a loved one. A divorce. Your company dissolves . Of course each of these just examples. For…

  • A story of asking, and receiving



    “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal…

  • An Observation of Step Parenting

    Since this is the week that my eldest son goes off to college, there has been a great deal of reflection. As I have blogged about before, my son split time between my wife and I’s house, and his mothers. During all of that time, one of the things that became really obvious, is that…

  • Eldest son is leaving for college…is that what this feeling is?

    So, it might not coming to a huge shock to those parents out there that have had the wonderful opportunity to send your child away to school. This is that week for me. And I am finding it much more difficult in ways I didn’t expect. A little background, my son splits his time with…