Happy Birthday Ethan

He entered this world 21 years ago tomorrow. He made my brother a father. He was soon joined 18 months later by his sister. The two of them together were a perfect tandem. Each possessing an indelible spirit and shine that would light my brothers face up when he spoke of them. To watch the transformation those two children had on my brother was the stuff of magic. No song or sonnet about love could come close to describe the powerful spell they both had over their father. This spell was one of the purest love you could describe. I watched up close often, and from afar other times, the warmth of their existence course through my brother’s veins, softening as it went. As each new experience of fatherhood presented itself to my brother, he would be transformed all over again. From the early trips with both very little humans in his hands, to playing in the sand, he was always available to be broken open, again and again, by these two. Making cookies, playing games, coaching, cheering, supporting and teaching, each experience like an individually wrapped gift from the universe. I learned many things in my times of observation. Many things that made me a better father.

Individually, we refer to Ethan as an old soul. He was always trying to make everything better from the time he was born. His mind was razor sharp from the beginning. And his compassion endless. His utter joy for life would burst through on a whim. Whether through laughter or dry wit, his energy was truly infectious. As he grew into a man, he found his own self. His own voice, music, and desires. He would run like the wind or tackle a ski slope with steely determination. His force was obvious for all to witness. Yet it was always the loving, caring side of him that shined the brightest. His love for those around him was always evident.

Tomorrow will be a celebration of his birth. And, more importantly, of the impact that the birth had on his father, his mother, his sister, and all of us. Each of us is monumentally better off because of the gift of Ethan being born into all of our lives, 21 years ago tomorrow.


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