366 days. We have witnessed them get up and stagger and then walk. We have all felt some portion of their unbelievable pain. Although not all, that is unfathomable.

The idea of courage means so many different things to different people. For us, today, we are thinking of Ethan. Ethan Miles was extraordinary in the time he spent on this earth. You felt him whether right next to him, or two thousand miles away. There was just an assuredness that he was there. Then that assuredness was gone. Today, we are especially thinking of Matt, Caroline and Emma.

For 366 days, Matt, Caroline and Emma have gotten up, and taken staggering steps at first, to eventually find, on some days, a little more sure footing. But it’s different footing. How could it not be?

All of us who know them, and knew Ethan, have had our own staggering. We have done it and pushed through because we loved Ethan. We have all also done it because we are witness to the courage and strength of Emma Jane. To the strength of Matt and Adriane. And to the strength of the Zorcs.

366 days. Each day a small victory in a battle that wasn’t asked for. And although it cannot come close to completely filling the hole that was created, we, his grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends, have so much love for each one of them.


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