We are a two party country, like it or not.

I am tired of hearing so many logical people jump to the wrong conclusion about this election. I’ve heard both liberals and conservatives voicing their displeasure with their choices in this election. But this country is a two party system. That is it. If you were a Bernie fan, as I was, that is not reality now. If you are a republican who disliked Trump, that is who you have. You are left with 2 candidates…ONLY 2.

Oh you could vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson, but neither of those folks are going to win. And if you look at recent history, Ross Perot was a lightning rod to the election of 1992.  Depending upon who you believe, there are those that think he didn’t make any different in the final outcome, but the campaign manager for Bush absolutely believes Ross Perot cost them the election. Bill Clinton was elected. If Ross Perot would not have run, maybe George H W Bush may have been re-elected. Bill Clinton won with 44.9 million votes, George H W Bush had 39.1 million. Perot? 19.7 million.

In 2000, a vote for Ralph Nader was really a vote for George W Bush because the green thinking voter would have probably voted for Al Gore, but did not. George W Bush was elected. If Nader would not have run, Al Gore would have most certainly been elected. George W Bush won with 50,4 million votes, needing a razor thing margin of 537 votes in Florida to secure his win. How many votes did Nader get in Florida? 97,488.

Neither of those votes would have been close had the country just realized that we are a two party system. Arguably, you could say that neither result, 1992, or, 2000 was what the country as a majority, wanted. But because of some discourse, the majority of the country got to have a President that they didn’t want. For 8 years.

So I will say what I always say at this time of the election cycle. VOTE! And pick one of the two candidates. I votedfor the first woman to be nominated by one of the two parties in this country.


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